Our 14th season glides in smoothly, very like one of those gentle, satiated rivers that transport us with unequivocal security to our destination. This season points to a goal that we wish for you, the recipient of all our artistic ability. It is one we hold dearly in our MEMORY, as well as one we wish to shout to the world with all our PASSION. It is REMEMBRANCE that allows us to visualize the grand parade of images that, year after year, has been jealously guarded inside us. Our history is REMEMBRANCE, and all memories together comprise society’s history, of which we are only a part. … And how shall we find each other there, how shall we recognize each other? By one means only: by an overwhelming PASSION to live, by brandishing Theater with the same PASSION with which we embrace our dreams. Wake up and be free! This season’s plays are a vital part of our shared REMEMBRANCE that, summoned by our PASSION, will carry us to this goal of universal hope.
Mario Marcel
Artistic Director
After reviewing our memory a second time, with all our passion, we happily reach the end of this, our fourteenth season at Teatro de la Luna, with an engagement as ethical as it is esthetic. There have been many gratifying and unforgettable memories during this passionate journey of 2004-2005.
The Sleeping Beauty and The Box of Surprises, both plays in our Experience Theater Program repertory, were performed in many schools and community centers throughout the area. We even took them further afield than ever before to Woodbridge, Centreville and Onancock, Virginia, to reach a grand total of 5,740 children – many of whom had never seen live theater before. We hope they remember us!
Passionate and exceptional, under the direction of Harold Ruíz this production was both crowd-pleaser and critics’ delight. No one was impartial to the theme!
550 children and teens, parents and educators – came to this celebration of the Spanish language at the Martin Luther King Public Library in D.C., passionately applauding young poetic giants and interpreters of other, grownup giants of Hispanic poetry. Many participants had the chance to learn under the loving tutelage of Lourdes Llanes, Paraguayan actor and poetry interpreter, who was invited here by Teatro de la Luna to work with our area’s students.
Three companies from Spain, two from Costa Rica, two from Argentina, one each from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico adorned this grand festival of Hispanic Theater. Nine troupes, times six weeks, equaled unequaled theater! Your reaction to The Immigrant – our first ever Nicaraguan actor – is a memory never to be forgotten! And Alquimia for children – and the child in all of us – was a total joy! As is our memory of the whole festival.
To help us celebrate the 400th year since Don Quijote, Hispanic poets arrived from Spain, Mexico and many of these United States to raise their voices with our area’s treasured poets and poetry lovers. Held at the newly remodeled Arlington Arts Center, which provided a fond memory that this was where, 13 years ago, our Poetry Marathon first began.
This acclaimed staging of award-winning Argentinean playwright Alejandro Accobino’s passionate exposition of Argentina’s Antarctica, under the confident direction of Mario Marcel, drew the curtain on this season of 2004-2005 … Passion … and Remembrance!
Teatro de la Luna takes great pride in announcing that our Artistic Director, Mario Marcelhas received the Elizabeth Campbell Award for the Advancement of the Arts in Arlington.
This was presented by the American Association of University Women's Arlington Branch. This award is named after the late founder of WETA, who was an active AAUW branch member.