Embassy of
Argentina – Oval Salon
1600 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Andar sin Pensamiento (Thoughtless Walking): Love, always
Love. Necessary and complex love with its difficulties: breaking up,
making up, self-centeredness. The three protagonists, Atilio,
Carmencita and Johnny live and relive the fire of passion – at times
without knowing it – with humor and surprises. Tango, bolero and
Spanish and Latin American poetry bubble from their lips during this
strange, final night: an encounter that is never casual, that we long
for, but that we equally hope does not expose our own follies.
A discussion will follow the
playreading between the audience, actors and director. The
evening will culminate with a Vin d’honneur.
Embassy of
Argentina – Oval Salon
1600 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20009
is a comedy that, by way of intrigue, surprise and
broad humor, uncovers the special interests and corruption that run
through our societies. An unemployed psychologist, a prostitute, an
autistic youth, a real estate professional, and a banker aren’t what
they seem: sex, lies and money. Man, with his humor, incredible
strength and dexterity overcomes humanity’s benevolence.
A discussion will follow the
playreading between the audience, actors and director. The
evening will culminate with a Vin d’honneur.
3160 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010
(near Columbia Heights Metro Station – “Green Line”)
Free Entrance
With special participation of
This performance is the second showcase of the
Taller de Expresión Artística (Artistic Expression Workshop)
which Teatro de la Luna conducts with participants from EOFULA
Spanish Senior Center through the support of the Inter-American
Development Bank – Solidarity Fund.
In Addition:
There will be an
exhibit of artistic works created by the participants. The event
will culminate in a small reception.