In one of the most beautiful and romantic of classic fairytales a young Prince, aided by Good Fairies, rescues the Sleeping Beauty from her bewitched sleep, imposed on her by the Bad Fairy. Together with their entire village, they rejoice in the triumph of Good over Evil.
Once upon a time, a king and queen who were celebrating the birth of their little daughter invited all the fairies of the kingdom to a party, and they all brought lovely presents.
But they forgot to invite one fairy and she got angry. She told them that when the Princess reached 15 years old, she would prick her finger on a spindle and die.
But the baby’s godmother said the Princess would not die, she would only fall asleep, and would wake up when a Prince fell in love with her.
When she reached 15, the Princess one day climbed up into a tower of the castle, where an old woman was spinning. The Princess wanted to learn how to weave …and so she pricked her finger with a sharp spindle. The Princess fell asleep, along with all her ladies and lords in waiting.
Many years later, a Prince, who had heard the story of the Sleeping Princess, went towards the castle. When he saw the Princess he fell in love immediately and gave her a kiss. The Princess woke up, along with all her court.
Happy at having broken the curse, they were married and lived surrounded by happiness and wonderful parties.