

Día Mundial de
la Poesía (2025)
World Poetry Day
Journée Mondiale de la Poésie

An invitation to enjoy World Poetry Day

in 24 hours of Poetry Festival

In 1999, during its Thirtieth General Conference in Paris, UNESCO adopted for the first time March 21, the day of the spring solstice, as World Poetry Day to commemorate humanity’s purest and most generous form of artistic expression. Following the lines drawn by UNESCO to celebrate on that day peoples’ linguistic and cultural diversity through poetic expression, honor the men and women who dedicate themselves to it, and promote the oral traditions of poetry recitals in the world, Teatro de la Luna’s Poetry Marathon in Washington, DC joins the Artevivo Festival of the city of Santiago, in the Dominican Republic, a festival of all the arts, including poetry, to invite all the festivals of the continent and the world to join in solidary brotherhood and sisterhood to read poems for 24 hours without interruption, from 12 midnight of March 21 to 12 midnight of March 22.


Friday, March 21, 2025 from 0:00 to 24:00

(GMT-4)  -  (UTC-4)  CHECK TIME NOW (see your local time)

USA (Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), UTC -4)  -  Washington DC / New York



via: our website teatrodelaluna.org

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Facebook Live - Casa de la Cultura El Salvador




In Spanish only

Vuelo a Capistrano   Flight to Capistrano

by Carlos Gorostiza     directed by Mario Marcel

starring Máximo Cáceres, Karen Morales Chacana

& Marcela Ferlito.

In Spanish only

Saturday, April 5, 2025, 7:00pm

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 3:00pm


at  Casa de la Luna

4020 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20011

Georgia Ave/Petworth Metro Station - 'Green' & 'Yellow'

Street Parking

Admission Pay What You Can

Saturday Bilingual Theater

Workshops for Children

6 - 12 years old

Music, Poetry, Movement & Acting

Every series of 6 consecutive Saturdays will have a

final presentation the sixth Saturday of each series

at  Casa de la Luna

4020 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20011

(Georgia Ave/Petworth Metro Station - 'Green' & 'Yellow' Lines)

REGISTRATIONS 202-882-6227   info@teatrodelaluna.org

Saturday 10:00am - 12:00pm

3rd Series  Mar. 1 - Apr. 5, 2025

4th Series  Apr. 26 - May 31, 2025

Cost $150 per serie

FREE for DC residents

thanks to the support of


Sunday, December 8, 2024, 3:10pm


by Roberto Tito Cossa

Experience Theater at your School

(click for more information and to know the objectives of the program)

El Gato y la Gaviota

The Cat and the Seagull


Study Guide (English)


Siempre Amigos

Buddies not Bullies


Study Guide (English)


Juguemos al Teatro con
Cali Pionono y Mate
Let’s Play Theater with
Cali Pionono and Mate



Cantando-Ando con
Gabo y Mate
Sing-Along with
Gabo and Mate



Cantando-Ando con
Mis Amigos Musicales!
Sing-Along with
My Musical Friends!


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Calendar of Activities


Summer Bilingual Theater Workshops for Children

Being a Mom or die trying!

Fragrances from the Past

A Tribute to Julio Jaramillo

Moonlight Tango

Playreading Series

Acting Training Workshops

Saturday Bilingual Theater Workshops for Children

Juan Estrella in My Magic Show for Adults

Bilingual Artistic Festival for Children

World Poetry Day

Pondering About My Memories

32nd Poetry Marathon

The Cat and the Seagull



Acting Training Workshops

Experience Theater